This morning, I woke up longing for some normality. I wish I could eat Bill’s in Odaiba pancakes but with the whole situation, we made some at home.
If you want to be healthy, you can mix in Organic Wholewheat Flour, Soy Bean Flour, Rice Flour, Coconut Flour (be careful with coconut flour you can't use more than 30% in total since it absorbs too much water) and use better sugar like Maple Syrup, Honey, Coconut Sugar, Dried Fruits etc... to sweeten.
Japanese easy 2 bowl pancakes (you don't need special tools).
160g Flour I use this flour or Bob’s Redmill Gloten Free Baking Flour for cakes but any flour would do. This Japanese Gluten Free Pancake mix has no nasties just soy flour, rice flour, sugar and baking powder.砂糖
50g Sugarベーキングパウダー(BP)
4g Baking Powder This aluminium free BP is around a few hundred yen per tin.卵1個
1 Egg牛乳卵と合わせて160〜170g
Milk - when you weigh together with the egg around 160-170g
Each Egg is around 50g so around 110g-120g of milk (You can opt for Soy Milk as well)マヨネーズ
2〜5g Mayonaise (This Vegan Soy Mayo can be used as well)
Mix all the dry ingredients (no need to sift) in one bowl.
Mix Egg and Milk and whisk with a fork or a whisk in another bowl.
Mix everything together
Prepare a pan (heat it on lower medium heat)
Put oil on a pan
Drop the dough on a pan (don't touch the dough after dropping)
Cook on lower medium heat
When it starts to bubble a bit, flip it over, put the rid on and continue to cook until it's cooked (around 4-6min? depending on a pan) you know it's not raw if a fork comes out clean haha.
If you are not sure, start cooking small pancakes, it's hard to mess up tiny pancakes
The key is the mayo. It's important to put the rid on after flipping. If all fails, just cover them up with powder sugar. What’s your favorite breakfast?
Bon appetite!